
  • @fi You raise an interesting point there. Insurance Companies instruct you not to make any admission of liability in the event of an accident, so if you bump someone’s car in a car park, how do you word your owning up note?

    It could be quite amusing, and maybe something along these lines?

    ” I regret that an incident occurred this afternoon in…[Read more]

  • Had the back wing of my parked car bumped by some unknown motorist in the supermarket car park yesterday. Just been to get a quote for repair and respray of affected area – £225- urgh! No CCTV cameras.

    I am more pissed off that the bar steward who did it didn’t have the honesty/courtesy to leave a note on my windscreen telling me what they had…[Read more]

  • Depending on where you live, if it’s town/city (at a guess with not much garden) dont leave them unsupervised in a run, they are likely to get stolen.

  • Katy replied to the topic UK most obese in Europe in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago

    The good thing is, due to intervention from govt, smoking has reduced by 2 million since the ban. In 2008 smoking cost the NHS £5B. 10 years on, the health economy benefits will take more time to quantify but this is an interesting read…http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-40444460

    Whilst in 2016 obesity cost the NHS £16B. If obesity is a result o…[Read more]

  • Katy replied to the topic UK most obese in Europe in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago

    It doesn’t surprise me.

    I remember looking at younger daughter’s primary school photo for year 6 and realising that and about half the class were severely overweight, and and fair few would be classed obese.

    This is in a reasonably affluent middle class area – with countryside all around. You couldn’t blame lack of opportunity or sports…[Read more]

  • Katy replied to the topic NHS spending in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago

    Throwing money at the NHS does not make us healthier. My GP told me gleefully that when GPs got that big pay rise a few years back, he cut his working hours and started a classic car restoration business. Colleagues chose to cut their hours. So we gave them more money and we got a reduced service.

    Today my wife interviewed 5 candidates for 2 Band…[Read more]

  • It might be worth getting someone from the fire service out with their detector – they can tell you what your CO levels are right away. Friends of mine moved into a house and the alarms went off in the night. Fire service found high levels of CO, coming from the unused chimneys. It can build up even when things aren’t being used much.

    Otherwise…[Read more]

  • She sounds insufferable and insensitive tbh.

    For someone like this I think you are going to have to be specific about future arrangements ie if she asks to come for a week say you can only spare a couple of days as you have too much on.

    If you don’t want her in the house because she is critical suggest that she would be more comfortable in the…[Read more]

  • Thanks guys I’ll give it a try!

    I’m going to see what I’m like over the weekend and if I’m not better I’m going to request an appointment with a doctor on Monday.

    I asked one of the ENT surgeons at work about it yesterday and he said from what I’m describing it sounds like a inner ear infection and a course of antibiotics should sort me out…[Read more]

  • Helloo hope everyone is ok on this rather wet Thursday afternoon!

    A couple of weeks ago I started with what I thought was an ear infection. Went to see a nurse practitioner who said there was no infection present however it could be a blockage in my inner ear tube. 2 weeks on and I’m still feeling pants, I’m going dizzy and clammy and feeling…[Read more]

  • My friend learnt at 57 after her OH died. Believe me, if she can do it anyone can!

  • I learnt at 25. Took me about a year. Didn’t really want to learn but due to living in countryside didn’t really have a choice if I wanted to get anywhere.
    It gives you so much independence. Find a instructor that you get on with and you will be fine. Good luck!

  • I think the modern pressure and expectation to be fulfilled and happy at all times is a hard one to live up to for most of us. Getting pleasure from the small things imho is a grat way to help you. A quiet cup of tea, a peaceful walk. You’ll get your mojo back.

  • Katy replied to the topic Dream what do they mean? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 3 months ago

    I have incredibly vivid, but quite dull dreams. Last night, I dreamt I was trying to board an Air New Zealand flight from Calgary to Prague, but my boarding pass on my phone would only show my air bnb booking for Prague, and not my seat number, so they wouldn’t let me on. Then they would let me on, and would upgrade me for my troubles, but I had t…[Read more]

  • I hugged one of my neighbours today because she was packing up all their belongings into a white van and she was upset and crying in the street. I’m really not good at that kind of stuff!

    They were evicted. Rent arrears. The husband lost his driving job because of an accident and she only works part-time. Both of them have learning difficulties…[Read more]

  • Katy replied to the topic Emotional abuse in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 3 months ago

    What a very sad situation. My Mother was absolutely vile to my Dad and it is a horrible thing to witness.

    Will he be staying with you for Christmas? This sounds like the ideal opportunity to put things in motion without nagging or making him feel pressured. I would do all you can to prevent him returning there after Christmas.. even if you have…[Read more]

  • Katy replied to the topic Emotional abuse in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 3 months ago

    Could you visit him? It might remind him how much he enjoys your company. You could then mention it to him again in a non nagging way and give him something to think about. What’s he doing for Christmas?

  • It’s the multi currency thing that’s hard. Especially when the contract is on one currency but invoicing can be in several.

    I’d look at LinkedIN for folks with that experience

  • I haven’t- although I am self employed!
    One of the best companies I ever worked for included 3 duvet days in the perks they offered. If you didn’t fancy going into work one day, you could just call the office and say you were taking one of your duvet days. We were expected to be sensible about it – not taking them when we were on deadline, or…[Read more]

  • Katy replied to the topic Drink Driving? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 3 months ago

    Somebody was telling me today that they were following a mutual acquaintance down the road on Saturday afternoon, and she was driving all over the place. They thought it was a little early in the day for her to have been drinking. I would almost definitely put it down to her reliance on solpadeine.

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