ester replied to the topic Trouble quitting the drink in the forum Chit chat 6 years, 7 months ago
Wanting to stop is the most important thing. My thought would be…….don’t mix with anyone else who drinks. Go to social scenes such as cafes. Go on a trip with no access to alcohol. Treat yourself to posh soft drinks. Think of things to do with the money that you save. Best wishes.
ester replied to the topic NHS in crisis in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago
The NHS can never meet demand as the public’s wants are infinite and supply will always be finite. Every time it treats a patient and stops them dying, it leaves them alive to get some other ailment.
Throwing money at it does not make it better, an example being my GP and his colleagues cut their hours when the last Labour government gave them…[Read more]
ester replied to the topic Renting out room in a rented house? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago
I looked into this a bit as I have a 2-bed which I can easily afford myself but was toying with the idea of letting the spare room (for more pony money!) – the letting agents wouldnt have it unless the other person was named on the tenancy.
ester replied to the topic REVIEW: Is YODEL the worst company ever? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago
I have issues with myHermes rather than YODEL, but is infuriating isn’t it!
I’ve found DPD very good.
Hope your parcel arrives soon
ester replied to the topic How often do you have to clean your washing machine filter? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago
I have an 8 year old Bosch machine and I can honestly say I don’t even know where the filter is. I think I had better go and find it ;D
ester replied to the topic Rising/lateral damp in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 1 month ago
Are you sure its rising damp. I had damp at the front of my house which appears from the ground up the first floor outside wall, I assumed rising till i actually watched the rain come down, flood over my gutter and bounce off the ground outside and then hit the front of the house. It had clearly been happening for several years. A quick trip up a…[Read more]
ester started the topic Gel insoles vs arch support insoles which is better? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi recently I started running again to get healthy but I have been getting really bad foot aches when I run and I have had enough! I don’t want to quit running because I really enjoy it so was looking online and have found that wearing insoles can help. There are two different types of insoles that you can buy to help with foot pain, gel ones and…[Read more]
ester replied to the topic Question about re self employment in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
OH is a sole trader and I would say went to an accountant just being excited with the idea (and not to the cheapest one), the guy just hasn’t looked through paperwork properly. -
ester replied to the topic Question about re self employment in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
Sorry guys for hijacking.
What is correct way to tell an accountant to where to go?
ester replied to the topic How to keep and look after Rabbits? in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
My bunny has the whole garden and sleeps in the shed- the amount they move around is amazing- please don’t keep yours in a hutch. They also love to nibble on a variety of grasses/ shrubs.
ester replied to the topic UK most obese in Europe in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
Obese? I very nearly spat out my double chocolate cheesecake in disgust.
ester started the topic Something I found to help with Eczema in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
I’ve had horrendous skin recently, it got infected in August and I’m 8 weeks on a waiting list for an allergy test. A friend sent me a link to an article about eczema sufferers being deficient in fillagrin, a component of the skin which helps heal and reduce cracking. I think it based on your genetics.
Anyhow, this linked on to a supplement…[Read more]
ester replied to the topic Calling all tenancy experts! in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
Any AST has to be a minimum of six months.
She legally has a tenancy agreement and he has nothing. I would ask her to give you the full written notice and tell her you are not willing to grant him a new tenancy agreement. Return her deposit pending the check out, and either let it sit empty or relent to someone else after they have completed…[Read more]
ester replied to the topic Scam warning in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
I work for BT. All BT employees have what we call an EIN number (9 digit number). If you get calls from BT ask the caller for their EIN. If they can’t provide this then they do not work for BT. If they do then you can call any BT number and provide them with the EIN, they can tell you what office that person works in and who their manager is.
ester started the topic Slightly panicking in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
Basically I’ve been having issues with my back and hands for awhile, to cut a long story short after nerve tests, bloods & X-rays I had an neck MRI.
Because the hand surgeon ordered it I saw one of his team yesterday, I was called through by nurse and could hear doctors discussing me, that an abnormality had been found on the MRI and to explain i…[Read more]
ester replied to the topic Need kick up the backside fitness help please! in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
As others have said, let yourself recover from illness first. Then, address the sugar. I will say, though, in my experience, the more you address the fitness, the less likely you are to indulge in the sugar.
I have downloaded the Pacer App and I aim for 15000 steps per day excluding any riding (45 mins on the horse seems to equate to 6000 steps).…[Read more]
ester replied to the topic NHS spending in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 2 months ago
@frogface Exactly what I was thinking. Private banks can’t just fabricate made up money. It does come from somewhere, whether it be from those who invest in the bank, inter bank borrowing or such like. No bank would need bailed out if they just fired on a few extra zeros to their stash! New money needs to be introduced carefully, as the more of it…[Read more]
ester changed their profile picture 7 years, 4 months ago
ester replied to the topic Runners – a half marathon question in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 4 months ago
Just looked into it and it says no transfers. I will just have to suck it up and enter again next year. I know I could make my body get round as I’m so bloody minded but I think I’d end up a mess and likely set back any other training I want to do.
ester replied to the topic Runners – a half marathon question in the forum Chit chat 7 years, 4 months ago
I hate feeling like I’m quitting. I have a chiropractors appointment tomorrow and will discuss it with him, he’s the only person who takes a real interest but doesn’t seem to be able to help. The existing injury is annoying me at the moment, two years is far too long to put exercise on hold and so I’m getting depressed and frustrated. But I do…[Read more]
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