Finding staff – agencies/websites/advertising?

Recent Forums Chit chat Finding staff – agencies/websites/advertising?

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    • October 6, 2017 at 1:31 pm #175

      Can any of you lovely lot help point me in the right direction before I have a breakdown??

      We desperately need someone with specific experience with a certain accounts software package and I’m struggling. I’ve contacted Reed and another local agency, and they sent me CVs of people who’ve done a bit of purchase invoice processing, or payroll, none have done what we need which is purchase order/sales order processing and invoicing from stock using multi-currency s/w. I have been very specific about this need!

      I have been covering the lady that left us for 3 months now, and a recent new hire (from personal recommendation) is not going well. I am effectively doing 2 jobs and driving 3 hours a day on top and I’m close to burn-out. I’m no spring chicken. But we are not a big company, there is no-one else to do this, so no HR person to help!

      So question one – does anyone know an agency, website or other way of recruiting or advertising for the position that may yield better results?

      Question two – any ideas about where we could find a very (over)experienced person who might come in as a temp trouble-shooter who could get up to speed rapidly, and take the pressure off me while we find a long-term person?


    • October 6, 2017 at 1:31 pm #176

      Do the local colleges teach this accounts software? Does your Accountant know anyone, or would they know of a trade magazine you could advertise in? There is always the local newspaper.

      Your Accountant would probably be able to help with the second person.

    • October 6, 2017 at 1:32 pm #177

      It’s the multi currency thing that’s hard. Especially when the contract is on one currency but invoicing can be in several.

      I’d look at LinkedIN for folks with that experience

    • October 6, 2017 at 1:32 pm #178

      Thanks guys – our accountant is free-lance and has a handful of customers and is based miles away. He may know the best places to look but unlikely he’ll know anyone, he is well aware we need help. In fact he was also looking for help and mentioned it’s hard!

      Brucea, the s/w does all the hard work on the currency, I’m not accounts trained and I find it a doddle! You just set up each customer in the currency you are going to trade in, and everything you do on that account defaults to the that currency. We used to have to manually recalculate every transaction previously, now that WAS a nightmare!!

    • October 6, 2017 at 1:33 pm #179

      Have you tried searching cvs? I think you can on sites like indeed/total jobs. Unsure how detailed the searching is but may be worth a look.

    • October 6, 2017 at 1:33 pm #180

      There’ll be specialist recruitment agencies, rather than the more generic ‘local office’ type. I use agencies a lot. If you want to pm me I can ask a couple of my contacts for help.

    • October 6, 2017 at 1:33 pm #181

      Whereabouts are you based? (pM me if you prefer). I might know a recruiter who could help.

    • October 6, 2017 at 1:34 pm #182

      I believe the recruitment website of choice nowadays is Indeed, certainly we got lots of responses through it when we advertised. Don’t get too hung up on finding someone with the right experience, sometimes someone with no experience but the right aptitude and attitude can pick it up quickly. It’s so hard to find the right person, is it something that could be done remotely, have you considered outsourcing? What’s the software package, is it a standard one?

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